Wczoraj w Stanach odbyły się pierwsze pokazy najnowszego Terminatora - Terminator: Ocalenie. Fani serii zapoczątkowanej przez Jamesa Camerona mają pełne ręce roboty, i jeszcze przez jakiś czas będą nas zasypywać swoją twórczością. Tym razem mamy dla Was filmik pt. 'I'll Be Back'. Jest to całkiem przyjemna ballada zaśpiewana przez amerykańskiego fanatyka Terminatora! Poniżej zamieszczam tekst piosenki, możecie sobie zanucić ;)

I'm sleeping alone on this cold concrete floor
Another sad night in this sad robot war
On Judgment Day man and machine did collide
But even though billions of people have died

Somewhere out there tonight
You're hugging your rifle so tight
I'll find you, somehow, someway
In the rubble that once was L.A.

I'll be back, no man no machine
Can keep me from you, Ill always be true
I'll be back, to finish the fight
And say "hasta la vista" to this lonely night
This vow I must take:
No fate but what we make
I'll be back

Dogs they are barking, I know somethings wrong
He barely speaks English, his accents so strong
The cyborg attack took us by surprise
All the silvery skulls with their glowing red eyes

Skynet has torn us apart
And Judgement Day's broken my heart
But I've got so much to give
Come with me if you want to live

I'll be back, no man no machine
Can keep me from you, Ill always be true
I'll be back, to finish the fight
And say "hasta la vista" to this lonely night
This vow I must take:
No fate but what we make
I'll be back

I'd travel through time just to hold you again.
I'd take on a world of mechanical men.
Tonight Hunter-Killers keep watch from above
But nothing can Terminate our love.

I'll be back, no man no machine
Can keep me from you, Ill always be true
I'll be back, to finish the fight
And say "hasta la vista" to this lonely night
This vow I must take:
No fate but what we make
I'll be back

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