O czym dzisiaj marzą zwierzęta: Aktorzy
Adam Lochowicz Perry Poslowski / Frogman / Gerald the GoannaPerry Poslowski / Frogman / Gerald the Goanna
Michelle McGilvray
Thomas Larkin Chief FurbankChief Furbank
Deborah Mailman Maggie DigginsMaggie Diggins
Judith Lucy CeCeCeCe
Frank Woodley
Ricard Cussó Augustus The Guard / Ibis BanditAugustus The Guard / Ibis Bandit
Charlotte Stent Młoda Maggie DigginsMłoda Maggie Diggins
Kate Murphy Regina RogersRegina Rogers
Ed Oxenbould SweetieSweetie
Sharnee Tones Mum GoannaMum Goanna
George Pullar Bradley Burrows / Racoon BanditBradley Burrows / Racoon Bandit