Pojedynek AniołówSezon:
Sezon 1
- A New Classmate (13 kwietnia 1984)
- The Blue Prince
- Escape From the Home
- First Match
- A Burning Defeat
- A Love Challenge
- First Appointment
- A Friendly Meeting
- Love Problems
- Graduation Party
- Goodbye Mirko!
- A Powerful Wish
- The Accused Sir
- The New Trainer
- A Promise Kept
- Mila In A Crisis
- A Difficult Decision
- A Hard Test
- Episode 19
- Friends But Rivals
- The Secret Behind the Power
- Love Letter
- Mr. Mila
- A Dramatic Challenge
- The Return of Daimon
- The Most Desired Goal
- Mila in the Junior Nationals
- Another Sister For Sunny
- Mila’s Accident
- The Worst Pain
- An Endured Recovery
- The Supersonic Service
- Nami’s Crisis
- The Deciding Match
- Mila’s Triumph
- A Difficult Choice
- A New Rival
- Two Great Champions
- The Passing of Yoghina
- A Sweet Surprise
- Episode 41
- A Step Away from Nationals
- Sad Verdict
- The Conspiracy Against Mila
- A Test of Friendship
- An Upsetting Discovery
- The Search for the Truth
- Love Found
- Tension at Nationals
- The Departure of Mitamura
- A Recollection of Doubts
- The Laser Attack
- Daimon’s Risk
- Blind Ambition
- Incurable Rivalry
- Tulia’s Recovery
- The Last Set
- Goodbye to Seoul (21 czerwca 1985)
